
The FSU Military Association will introduce a Military Hall of Fame to the FSU civilian and military communities at a brunch on April 26, 2025. Details are contained in the flyer below. The Association welcomes all interested in supporting this important endeavor. Interested in attending, contact Colton McKethan at Cell (410)919-3651 or email [email protected]..

Ongoing activities in support of cadets


(FSU and local high schools’ JROTC)

Bi-WeeklyFSU Military Association Steering Committee meeting, 7:00 p.m.
March 25, 2025FSU Military Association Steering Committee meeting in Fayetteville, NC
April 26, 2025Friends of Det 607 Brunch and Introduction of FSU Military Hall of Fame, 11:00 a.m. at CWE Platinum Affairs, 1418 Clinton Road, Fayetteville, NC
April 26, 2025FSU ROTC Air Force-Army Joint Dining Out, 6:00 p.m.
May 2025FSU Detachment 607 AFROTC Commissioning Ceremony
Aug 2025FSU Military Association Awards Scholarships to two AFROTC Cadets ($1,000 each)


Your support, whether helping with an activity, making a donation or both, helps ensure ROTC Programs viability and the simultaneous advancement of cadet preparation for a successful career in the US Military.