Carolina Panthers Football Game

Detachment 607 Color Guard performed at Carolina Panthers and Dallas Cowboys game on December 15, 2024.

ROTC Celebration 2024

The Commemorative celebration of 50 years of DET 607 and ROTC Officer production at Fayetteville State University was held May 4, 2024 within the execution of a Dining Out. The cadets of DET 607 did a great job and the guest speaker MG Rodney O. Anderson was outstanding. He did an exceptional job connecting the FSU Military Association’s theme of a Call To Serve – Past-Present- Future. One of the most important aspects of his speech focused on the need for a strong military in past, present, and future societies. He stated that nations must follow laws to maintain survival, and a strong military is one of the greatest assets needed to insure a humane society. This statement epitomizes why it is vitally important that DET 607 continues the development of our future military and nation’s leaders.

This 50th Celebration was a major accomplishment in several ways. Again, the need for DET 607 and the military was confirmed. The cadets gained valuable lessons in teamwork which is one of our goals as the FSU Military Association. Moreover, the Association has committed to a scholarship fund for the FSU cadets.

The photos following are from the Dining Out.

A Call To Serve: Past-Present-Future

Honoring Our Past...

BG Charles Edward McGee is a Tuskegee Airman and was promoted to BG at the age of 100. We would all do well to learn from his history and live by his motto of—“Do While You Can”
Veteran Lawrence Brooks, U.S. Army—oldest American and oldest veteran who recently passed away at the age of 112. His motto—when asked about his secret to living a long life was—“Serve God, and be nice to people”.
The Buffalo Soldiers
The Tuskegee Airmen
First AFROTC Detachment 607 Group Commander, Cadet Frank Douglas (Class of '74) addressing the troops.
Cadet Travis Lewis (Class of '75) shows versatility and school spirit while marching with the FSU band


County Commissioner Ronnie Smith
Steering Committee 2022
Spc. Justin Locklear stands with fellow U.S. Army Soldiers who are members of the Lumbee American Tribe during his National Guard deployment. All of these soldiers were from several units deployed to Kuwait in 2020.
Campbell earns second straight McArthur Award as a top ROTC program.
Methodist University's Army ROTC program educates and mentors adaptive leaders with critical thinking skills and the moral character to lead our nation's Army and win in a complex world.

...and Future

Three soldiers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Cadets marching on the field
Officers Commissioned
Col. Jeffery A. Smith Commander 932nd and Estella Smith
Monarch Company ROTC cadets are leaders on The Methodist University campus. Many of our cadets play varsity athletics, hold student offices, or participate in student clubs. We also offer activities such as Color Guard, Ranger Challenge Team, plus intramural sports teams.
2Lt. Elton Andrew
General Brown...... from ROTC Cadet to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs