Fayetteville State University

The Fayetteville State University (FSU) ROTC Hall of Fame honors those who have meritoriously served on active duty and who continue to serve by supporting the FSU Cadet program and the community at large. Prospective inductees include graduates of Fayetteville State University and its AFROTC partnership schools: UNC at Pembroke, Methodist University (MU), and Campbell University (CU) who completed the FSU ROTC program and distinguished themselves in military and/or civilian professions.  

Eligibility for nomination and induction into the Hall of Fame (HOF) are as follows:  
1. Retired from active duty and be a graduate of Fayetteville State University, or partnership / affiliate school AND
2. Received a commission from the FSU ROTC Program or its partnership program(s) offered at UNC at Pembroke, Methodist University, and Campbell University, OR 

 3. A graduate of FSSU who received a commission through any other source (Navy, Officer Cadet School, Direct Commission, etc.), AND  
4. Attained the rank of Major or higher while serving on active duty, or in the Reserves, or in the National Guard, OR  
5. Elected or appointed to an office of prominence in the public or private sector, OR  
6. Obtained a position of prominence in the private sector, OR  
7. Recognized on a national or international level for outstanding achievement or service, OR  
8. Awarded the Medal of Honor, regardless of rank.  
9. Verified Killed in Action (KIA) while deployed to an approved hostile/hazardous duty area, regardless of rank.  
10. Served in an approved hostile/hazardous duty area regardless of rank.  

1. Original FSU ROTC Cadre Steering Committee and on-going HOF membership.
2. Members may not necessarily be inductees but rather members of the FSU ROTC Cadre organization). 
3. University and ROTC faculty 
4. University Alumni


1. Nominations shall be submitted in an electronic PDF format, in order to facilitate transmission to committee members for early review and archiving.  The following items are required:  
2. Submit an electronic submission packet in PDF format, available by contacting the FSU ROTC Cadre Chair via website email. 
3. Nomination packet (see website) must include a one-page biography addressing the year of graduation, academic major, contributions, awards, and assignments.  See attached example (Biography – ANNEX A).  
4. Submit a high quality color photo (in uniform) of the applicant in JPG format.  (ex: Photo – ANNEX B).  
5. Hand written nomination packets are not acceptable. 


1. The Selection Committee will meet during May of the selection year in order to select personnel for induction into the HoF during the fall semester.  The committee will consist of representatives from each of the following areas, with no less than four (4) and no more than five (5)  committee members:  
2. Initial induction committee: Steering Committee Chair (FSU ROTC Cadre Secretary).
3. Three (3) or more FSU ROTC Cadre members.


1. Nominations will be made using the electronic PDF format Hall of Fame nomination form, mentioned in paragraph 4.  
2. Nominations received by the FSU ROTC HOF Committee prior to the May 10th of the calendar year deadline will be considered for induction during the upcoming fall school year.   
3. The Selection Committee will meet in May to select nominees for induction into the FSU ROTC Hall of Fame.  The committee is not required to select any of the nominees if the committee does not feel that any of the nominees deserve to be selected.   
4. Committee members will ensure the nominees meet all of the criteria in accordance with paragraph 2.    
5. Each nominee packet must receive unanimous approval by all committee members in order to be inducted into the HoF.  Any committee member can disapprove a nomination packet.  Likewise, any committee member can recommend a nomination packet be considered for induction into the Honorary HoF, in lieu of induction into the HoF proper.  
6. Personnel selected for induction will be notified no later than Memorial Day weekend.  FSU ROTC HoF will provide the exact date, time, and location for induction into the hall of fame.     



ANNEX B Provide photo (JPEG) or a quality photo 5” x 7” or larger. Command or DoD-style photos are highly recommended.